Cops and Writers Podcast
Cops and Writers is a podcast hosted by retired police sergeant and author, Patrick O'Donnell. The podcast provides valuable insights and humor for crime writers who want to create accurate and believable police stories. O'Donnell conducts in-depth interviews with members of law enforcement and civilian experts, discussing police procedures and culture. He also interviews crime fiction writers and writers from different genres, discussing what works in the ever-changing landscape of book sales and publishing. The podcast offers candid stories told with cop humor and technical details about the world of law enforcement.
Cops and Writers Podcast
192 Attempted Assassinations of Donald Trump & How to Fix the Broken Secret Service. (Part Two)
Welcome back to the conclusion of a special Cops and Writers Podcast where myself and my special co-host, Retired ATF Deputy Assistant Director Peter Forcelli will attempt to break down the problems with the United States Secret Service and what can be done to fix them. Because, who wants to hear a bunch of bitching and complaining without any answers?
I hope you enjoy this thought-provoking and critically important discussion.
In today’s episode, we discuss:
· How to fix the broken Secret Service.
· Having Secret Service Agents go to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and work with the cops on the street. It’s like army trauma surgeons going to ERs in these cities to learn how to work on gunshot wounds. They need to experience police work.
· The Congressional hearings and the grandstanding by the people asking the questions. It was nauseating.
· Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and her incompetence as a leader, including the things she should have done as the director of the Secret Service.
· Secret Service Agent burnout and what can be done to alleviate this during an election cycle.
· Disbanding the United States Secret Service and having the FBI and U.S. Marshalls absorb those duties.
Visit Peter's website to learn more about him and his books.
Check out the new Cops and Writers YouTube channel!
Check out my newest book, The Good Collar (Michael Quinn Vigilante Justice Series Book 1)!!!!!
Enjoy the Cops and Writers book series.
Please visit the Cops and Writers website.